It started out with Dad wanting to get me "Big Girl Pants" for when we go out. Sometimes I forget myself and leave goat berries around. So he got me a box of Pull-Ups but they were WAY small. That was last year. The other night he measured me so he would be sure to get the right size this time. He got a piece of bailing twine and wrapped it around my waist and then measured the twine. It was 41". He started to laugh because I am bigger around the middle than he is. What kind of a dad is that anyway?!? So then he started looking for some adult size Pull-Ups. 41" is a Large size in many brands and me being a "Large" anything is just WRONG, but he found that "Always Discreet Boutique" in S/M size goes up to 40" so hopefully I can fit in those. And they are very pretty!
But then the next day there was another incident. Happily, Dad did not catch it on the camera. I have always been able to fit thru the gap between the feed room and the gate. I walked up... pressed forward... stuck! Back up and try again... stuck again! Back up, and get a running start and I managed to plow my way thru.
Here I am later that day. It is my winter coat that makes me so big! And the blanket makes me WAY wider. That was my problem with the gap. Just today Dr Margi was talking about a goat she visited with a bloated head that turned out was just a downy winter coat!