Going back in time a little...
Here I am a couple of summers ago at a Tractor Supply Farmers Days...
My job at these things is to be the "Goat Ambassador" and get a lot of pets. There was a young fellow, maybe 10 years old at the booth next door. He kept coming over, and every time he would ask if he could pet me. He was such a polite little fellow. I am not like the typical goat, I love pets even from people that I do not know. All the other goats here are friendly, but they are shy at first with strangers. Not me! And going somewhere without other goats is not for them.
But then, at the end of the day, the fellow came over and said, "What is Lina doing?" Dad looked to see that after a long day of being on my "A Game" greeting people, I had tucked my head in under the booth table cloth and was taking a nap standing up.
Dad and Mom took me home and put me in my playpen in the family room to get some rest before dinner.
That brings me to yesterday. Dad had some errands to run in the morning and had some space in the back seat of the truck. I love going for rides in the truck. I am a very good rider and stay in the back when it is moving. I only stand on the center console at stop lights for a pet and the only time I come in the front is when Dad leaves me alone to run in a store and then I hop right back into the back when he gets back. We passed by Carousel Ice Cream...
and I was turning my head and STARING at the "NOW HIRING" sign on the front as we drove by and I was thinking how much fun it was when I went there and got to meet people. I am not into ice cream. I am a people goat. Maybe I should apply as their "Goat ambassador"!
Later I ordered out some roughage to eat on my throne.
In the afternoon, everyone was set loose together in the paddock. They like to run around and act silly. I prefer standing in a safe place next to the picnic table and watch the action. Like I have said before, I only run to avoid the wrath of Chloe Star.
By the end of the day, I was one tired goat. I can barely keep my eyes open in my current favorite sleep corner of the Linamahal.